About Us

Giving at Dominion City New York

At Dominion City New York (DCNY), we believe that giving is an integral part of our worship and relationship with God. Our community thrives on the generosity of its members, whose contributions help us to serve not only our local congregation in Fresh Meadows, Queens, but also to extend our reach globally through our many initiatives and missions.
Expressions of Giving
- Financial Contributions: Financial contributions are a vital way to support the mission and vision of DCNY. Whether it is a tithe, an offering, or a special donation, your financial support helps to:
- Support Community Outreach: Our local outreach programs provide essential services and support to those in need within the Fresh Meadows area.
- Develop Leaders: We are dedicated to raising up leaders who can stand firm in their faith and make a positive impact in their spheres of influence.
- Expand Our Missions: With over 100 branches worldwide, your giving helps us to plant churches, support missionaries, and spread the Gospel globally.
- Enhance Worship and Education: Your generosity allows us to create enriching worship experiences and educational programs that nurture spiritual growth.

Time and Talents
Giving isn't limited to financial resources. Donating your time and talents is equally valuable. Volunteering in church ministries, participating in community service projects, or using your skills to support church operations are all ways to contribute meaningfully to God's work.

Acts of Kindness
Simple acts of kindness can have a profound impact. Showing love and compassion to those around you, helping a neighbor in need, or offering support to someone going through a tough time are powerful forms of giving that reflect Christ’s love.


Golf outing

Use this link to donate to Dominion City Golf outing



Honor the Lord with your substance as instructed in Malachi 3:10 and 2 Corinthians 9:7


Project offering

Your donation supports building improvements, community programs, and mission work.

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